输入格式:NCHW= [1x3x384x672]
输出格式: DetectionOut 类型 [1, 1, N, 7]
基于Caffe SSD MobileNet V1版本训练生成
输入格式:NCHW= [1x3x160x80]
[1, 8, 1, 1] 是八个属性
两个模型均可在intel OpenVINO的官方网站下载即可
mport sys
import cv2
import numpy as np
import time
import logging as log
from openvino.inference_engine import IENetwork, IEPlugin
plugin_dir = "C:/Intel/openvino_2019.1.148/deployment_tools/inference_engine/bin/intel64/Release"
cpu_extension = "C:/Users/Administrator/Documents/Intel/OpenVINO/inference_engine_samples_build/intel64/Release/cpu_extension.dll"
model_xml = "D:/projects/models/pedestrian-detection-adas-0002/FP32/pedestrian-detection-adas-0002.xml"
model_bin = "D:/projects/models/pedestrian-detection-adas-0002/FP32/pedestrian-detection-adas-0002.bin"
attribute_xml = "D:/projects/models/pedestrian-detection-adas-0002/person-attributes-recognition-crossroad-0230.xml"
attribute_bin = "D:/projects/models/pedestrian-detection-adas-0002/person-attributes-recognition-crossroad-0230.bin"
attrs = ['is_male', 'has_bag', 'has_backpack', 'has_hat', 'has_longsleeves', 'has_longpants', 'has_longhair', 'has_coat_jacket']
def demo():
# 加载MKLDNN - CPU Target
log.basicConfig(format="[ %(levelname)s ] %(message)s", level=log.INFO, stream=sys.stdout)
plugin = IEPlugin(device="CPU", plugin_dirs=plugin_dir)
lut = [];
lut.append((0, 0, 255))
lut.append((255, 0, 0))
lut.append((0, 255, 0))
lut.append((0, 255, 255))
lut.append((255, 0, 255))
# 加载IR
log.info("Reading IR...")
net = IENetwork(model=model_xml, weights=model_bin)
pedestrian_attr_net = IENetwork(model=attribute_xml, weights=attribute_bin)
if plugin.device == "CPU":
supported_layers = plugin.get_supported_layers(net)
not_supported_layers = [l for l in net.layers.keys() if l not in supported_layers]
if len(not_supported_layers) != 0:
log.error("Following layers are not supported by the plugin for specified device {}:\n {}".
format(plugin.device, ', '.join(not_supported_layers)))
log.error("Please try to specify cpu extensions library path in demo's command line parameters using -l "
"or --cpu_extension command line argument")
assert len(net.inputs.keys()) == 1, "Demo supports only single input topologies"
assert len(net.outputs) == 1, "Demo supports only single output topologies"
# 获取输入输出层
input_blob = next(iter(net.inputs))
out_blob = next(iter(net.outputs))
lm_input_blob = next(iter(pedestrian_attr_net.inputs))
lm_output_blob = next(iter(pedestrian_attr_net.outputs))
log.info("Loading IR to the plugin...")
# 创建可执行网络
exec_net = plugin.load(network=net, num_requests=2)
lm_exec_net = plugin.load(network=pedestrian_attr_net)
n, c, h, w = net.inputs[input_blob].shape
del net
# we did not need pedestrian model any more
mn, mc, mh, mw = pedestrian_attr_net.inputs[lm_input_blob].shape
del pedestrian_attr_net
# 开始视频文件或者摄像头
cap = cv2.VideoCapture("D:/images/video/fromis-songs.mp4")
# cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
cur_request_id = 0
next_request_id = 1
log.info("Starting inference in async mode...")
log.info("To switch between sync and async modes press Tab button")
log.info("To stop the demo execution press Esc button")
is_async_mode = True
render_time = 0
# 读取视频流
ret, frame = cap.read()
initial_w = cap.get(3)
initial_h = cap.get(4)
# 开始检测
while cap.isOpened():
if is_async_mode:
ret, next_frame = cap.read()
ret, frame = cap.read()
if not ret:
# next_frame = cv2.flip(next_frame, 1)
# 开启同步或者异步执行模式
inf_start = time.time()
if is_async_mode:
in_frame = cv2.resize(next_frame, (w, h))
in_frame = in_frame.transpose((2, 0, 1)) # Change data layout from HWC to CHW
in_frame = in_frame.reshape((n, c, h, w))
exec_net.start_async(request_id=next_request_id, inputs={input_blob: in_frame})
in_frame = cv2.resize(frame, (w, h))
in_frame = in_frame.transpose((2, 0, 1)) # Change data layout from HWC to CHW
in_frame = in_frame.reshape((n, c, h, w))
exec_net.start_async(request_id=cur_request_id, inputs={input_blob: in_frame})
if exec_net.requests[cur_request_id].wait(-1) == 0:
# 解析DetectionOut
res = exec_net.requests[cur_request_id].outputs[out_blob]
for obj in res[0][0]:
# Draw only objects when probability more than specified threshold
if obj[2] > 0.5:
xmin = int(obj[3] * initial_w)
ymin = int(obj[4] * initial_h)
xmax = int(obj[5] * initial_w)
ymax = int(obj[6] * initial_h)
class_id = int(obj[1])
# Draw box and label\class_id
cv2.rectangle(frame, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (0, 0, 255), 2)
if xmin > 0 and ymin > 0 and (xmax < initial_w) and (ymax < initial_h):
roi = frame[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax, :]
pedestrian_roi = cv2.resize(roi, (mw, mh))
pedestrian_roi = pedestrian_roi.transpose((2, 0, 1))
pedestrian_roi = pedestrian_roi.reshape((mn, mc, mh, mw))
# 行人属性识别
lm_exec_net.infer(inputs={'0': pedestrian_roi})
attr_res = lm_exec_net.requests[0].outputs[lm_output_blob]
attr_res = np.reshape(attr_res, (8, 1))
# 解析行人八个属性指标
for i in range(len(attrs)):
if attr_res[i][0] > 0.5:
cv2.putText(frame, attrs[i] + ": " + str(1),
(xmin+30, ymin+20*i),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255), 1)
cv2.putText(frame, attrs[i] + ": " + str(0),
(xmin + 30, ymin + 20 * i),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 255), 1)
cv2.putText(frame, "Person" + ' ' + str(round(obj[2] * 100, 1)) + ' %', (xmin, ymin - 7),
cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 0, 0), 1)
inf_end = time.time()
det_time = inf_end - inf_start
# 显示绘制文本
inf_time_message = "Inference time: {:.3f} ms, FPS:{:.3f}".format(det_time * 1000, 1000 / (det_time * 1000 + 1))
render_time_message = "OpenCV rendering time: {:.3f} ms".format(render_time * 1000)
async_mode_message = "Async mode is on. Processing request {}".format(cur_request_id) if is_async_mode else \
"Async mode is off. Processing request {}".format(cur_request_id)
cv2.putText(frame, inf_time_message, (15, 15), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (255, 255, 0), 1)
cv2.putText(frame, render_time_message, (15, 30), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5, (10, 10, 200), 1)
cv2.putText(frame, async_mode_message, (10, int(initial_h - 20)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.5,
(10, 10, 200), 1)
# 显示
render_start = time.time()
cv2.imshow("OpenVINO-face-landmark-detection@57558865", frame)
render_end = time.time()
render_time = render_end - render_start
# ready for next frame
if is_async_mode:
cur_request_id, next_request_id = next_request_id, cur_request_id
frame = next_frame
key = cv2.waitKey(50)
if key == 27:
# 释放资源
del exec_net
del lm_exec_net
del plugin
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.exit(demo() or 0)
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