




Gitlab CICD实践(Docker+Jenkins+Nginx) 2024-04-09 15:13



sudo yum update // 更新软件包列表 sudo yum install git // 安装Git git -- version // 验证是否安装成功


ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "root"


执行 cd /root/.ssh 、 ls ,可以看到生成了 id_rsa(私钥) , id_rsa.pub(公钥)

复制公钥到gitlab的 SSH Keys 里面




参考安装教程:CentOS Docker 安装

启动 docker

sudo systemctl start docker



瑞松科技与基恩士(中国)达成战略合作 推动数字化技术产业--机器视觉网 2024-04-10 11:14:46

2024-04-10 11:14:46 来源: 中国机器视觉网





埃科光电荣获“第十六届合肥市文明单位”荣誉称号--机器视觉网 2024-04-10 10:31:17

2024-04-10 10:31:17 来源: 中国机器视觉网





一种用于圆柱型金属零部件外观瑕疵检测与尺寸测量的视觉装置--机器视觉网 2024-04-10 16:05:38


2024-04-10 16:05:38 来源: 中国机器视觉网





图1 视觉装置构成俯视图



基于光谱共焦技术的折叠屏连接结构检测--机器视觉网 2024-04-10 15:31:40

2024-04-10 15:31:40 来源: 中国机器视觉网


专业研究机构IDC、CINNO Research均发布了折叠屏手机产业统计数据,尽管两大机构所统计的数据略有差距,但从整体情况来看,去年中国市场折叠屏手机出货量约700万部、增速超过100%。





迈睿机器人智能解决方案,助推车企生产线智能化升级--机器视觉网 2024-04-10 15:02:16

2024-04-10 15:02:16 来源: 中国机器视觉网



国内某知名汽车零配件制造企业,成立于2001年,是一家集技术研发、生产加工、自主品牌销售等为一体的汽车零配件生产企业。 随着个性化产品需求不断增长和规模经济效应的加强,传统依靠人工的生产模式已不能完全满足当前丰富多样、高效率的生物流管理要求。





AI视觉软件在PCB板缺陷检测中的应用--机器视觉网 2024-04-10 14:52:37

2024-04-10 14:52:37 来源: 中国机器视觉网









中智科仪EyeiTS像增强模组用于工业料仓中粉末的静电放电成像--机器视觉网 2024-04-10 11:34:57

2024-04-10 11:34:57 来源: 中国机器视觉网





深视智能线激光汽车发动机水冷组件检测--机器视觉网 2024-04-10 11:22:03

2024-04-10 11:22:03 来源: 中国机器视觉网












豪威参加2024中国电子信息博览会,绽放“视”界精彩―新闻频道- 视觉系统设计 2024/4/10 22:04:45






凌华科技基于 Intel Arc A380E GPU 的全新显卡即将亮相 Embedded World 2024―新闻频道- 视觉系统设计 2024/4/10 21:18:06


凌华科技推出首款基于Intel GPU的显卡——A380E,提供卓越性能的同时,还兼容凌华科技的游戏平台。

除了在商业游戏方面的实力之外,A380E 还利用强大的 OpenVino™ AI 工具包,将其实用性扩展到边缘 AI 应用领域。这种集成的方式让 A380E 能够简化AI开发工作,并无缝集成深度学习的功能。

Embedded World 2024 期间,欢迎各位爱好者和专业人士莅临凌华科技和英特尔的展位,一睹 A380E 的实际应用并了解其先进的功能。

凌华科技日前推出旗下首款小型化的PCIe显卡——A380E, 该显卡集成了Intel Arc A380E GPU,从而进一步丰富了公司的 GPU 模块产品组合。此产品主要针对商业游戏市场,可以集成到凌华科技的游戏平台之中,例如ADi-SA6


安森美推出面向工业、环境和医疗应用的下一代电化学传感器解决方案―新闻频道- 视觉系统设计 2024/4/10 21:06:27

今日,智能电源和智能感知技术的领先企业安森美(onsemi,美国纳斯达克股票代号:ON),推出先进的微型模拟前端 (AFE)——CEM102,能以超低的电流实现超高精度的电化学传感。CEM102具备小巧外形和业内超低功耗,工程师采用它能为工业、环境和医疗保健应用开发小巧的多用途解决方案,如空气和气体检测、食品加工和农业监测,以及连续血糖监测等医疗可穿戴设备。




视觉革新引领智造新未来―新闻频道- 视觉系统设计 2024/4/10 16:56:59









滤光片在机器视觉应用下的影响 2024-04-10 17:15





加速扩散模型!LSTM之父团队新作TGATE:交叉注意力在去噪过程中并非一直有效! 2024-04-09 21:34


点击关注 @CVer官方知乎账号,可以第一时间看到最优质、最前沿的CV、AI、AIGC工作~


论文标题:Cross-Attention Makes Inference Cumbersome in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models




大橘子投资价值发现系列 266:丝路视觉,全国性的CG视觉服务提供商 2024-04-10 12:31






艾科瑞特科技:计算机视觉-图像填充模型 2024-04-10 10:51










计算机视觉--------拟合之最小二乘法代码实现 2024-04-09 19:51



# 库的导入 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random # 数据集的创建 data = [] for i in range(0, 50, 1): x = random.randint(0, 20) y = 3 * x + 6 + random.uniform(0, 10) list = [x, y] data.append(list) data = np.array(data) # 最小二乘法拟合 # X的构建 x = data[:, 0] x_append = np.full(x.shape, 1) X = np.column_stack((x, x_append)) # Y的创建 Y


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I started my journey in analytics in August 2014 through an online course. Then came AV which gave a newbie like me a platform when my first article was published.Thereafter the association with AV has grown to AV being my guide and mentor. There is no dearth of analytics resources on the web but when you get it from experts in the Indian analytics space wit


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Data Science Blogathon 43 rd Edition

The best way to learn any concept, specifically in Data Tech, is by sharing it. Knowledge sharing not only helps you understand what you learned in more detail but sharing it with the community helps others understand how a particular Data Tech idea works.

Analytics Vidhya has always been at the forefront of knowledge s


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GenAI Pinnacle Program:


AI/ML BlackBelt Courses:


Introduction to Deep Learning using PyTorch:

This course will help you build a deep understanding of what Deep Learning is. After this course, you will be able to build advanced Deep Learning Models using the PyTorch framework. With a carefully curated list of resources and exercises, this course is your all-in-one guide to becoming a deep learning expert. It is highly recommended that before taking up


Introduction to Python:

Do you want to enter the field of Data Science? Are you intimidated by the coding you would need to learn? Are you looking to learn Python to switch to a data science career?

You have come to just the right place!

Most industry experts recommend starting your Data Science journey with Python

Across biggest companies and startups, Python is the most used l


Microsoft Excel: Formulas & Functions:

Microsoft Excel is the gold standard in data analysis tools. There’s no question about it - industry experts, professionals and evetrans still lean heavily on Excel’s prowess and Swiss Army Knife nature to slice and dice their data.

Whether you’re looking to perform quick data analysis or an in-depth dissection of your project, Microsoft Excel is the first


Machine Learning Certification Course for Beginners:

Machine Learning is the science of teaching machines how to learn by themselves. Machine Learning is re-shaping and revolutionizing the world and disrupting industries and job functions globally.

Machine learning is so extensive that you probably use it numerous times a day without even knowing it. From unlocking your mobile phones using your face to giving


Getting started with Decision Trees:

Who should take Getting Started with Decision Trees course? This course is for people who wants to learn the most commonly used tree based algorithm: Decision Tree algorithm along with its implementation in Python.

I have a programming experience of 2+ years, but I have no background of Machine learning. Is the course right for me? The course assumes prior


Introduction to Natural Language Processing: 21.55.10

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is basically how you can teach machines to understand human languages and extract meaning from text.

Language as a structured medium of communication is what separates us human beings from animals. We are surrounded by text data all the time sourced from books, emails, blogs, social media posts, news and more.

Natural Lang


Nano Course: Building Large Language Models for Code:

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Pandas for Data Analysis in Python:

What is Pandas? Pandas is a fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation library built in Python.

Pandas is THE most popular Python library in data science and the 4th most popular library in the world (according to StackOverflow’s global survey). The open source nature of Pandas isone of the primary reasons for its


Building Production Ready RAG systems using LlamaIndex:

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Applied Machine Learning:

Machine Learning is re-shaping and revolutionising the world and disrupting industries and job functions globally. It is no longer a buzzword - many different industries have already seen automation of business processes and disruptions from Machine Learning. In this age of machine learning, every aspiring data scientist is expected to upskill themselves in


Getting Started with Deep Learning:

Deep learning algorithms are revolutionizing data science industry and disrupting several domains. From computer vision applications to natural language processing (NLP) use cases - every field is benefitting from use of Deep Learning models.

This course starts by assuming no knowledge about Neural Networks and Deep Learning and introduces these subjects to


Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP):

Human languages and programming languages have always been marginalized into two separate groups, and because of this, it has been traditionally difficult for a computer to “make sense” of the data generated by normal human conversations. This necessitates the discovery and innovation of techniques around mining insights from natural language and power appli


Exploring Natural Language Processing (NLP) using Deep Learning:

Recent Developments in NLP

In the past couple of years, the amount of research and breakthroughs in NLP has skyrocketed. Now every month we get to see state-of-the-art NLP models and architectures.

This incredible rise of NLP can be traced back to the paper – “Attention is All You Need” by Google AI in June 2017. This breakthrough has spawned so many new a


Introduction to Business Analytics:

Getting Started with Business Analytics

What is Business Analytics? Why has it become so popular recently? What are some of the popular applications of Business Analytics? And more importantly, how can you get started with learning Business Analytics from scratch?

With growth in digitisation, Business Analytics is ubiquitous right now. Organizations are sp


Getting Started with Neural Networks:

Introduction to Neural Networks

What is a neural network? How does it work? What does a neural network do? Learn neural networks for free in this course and get your neural network questions answered, including applications of neural networks in deep learning.

Learn how neural networks work in deep learning

Do you want to acquire a super power? How ab


Loan Prediction Practice Problem (Using Python):

This course is designed for people who want to solve binary classification problems. Classification is a skill every Data Scientist should be well versed in.

In this course, we are solving a real life case study of Dream Housing Finance. The company deals in all home loans. They have a presence across all urban, semi-urban and rural areas. Customers first a


Tableau for Beginners:

Why should you use Tableau?

Tableau, as we mentioned above, is the gold standard in analytics and business intelligence. It is a widely used tool in the industry, both in big firms as well as startups. Tableau helps us create effective, impactful and beautiful dashboards and stories that our clients and stakeholders love.

There are a ton of job vacancies f


Ensemble Learning and Ensemble Learning Techniques:

Just like you come to a decision to buy a car by reading multiple reviews and opinions, in machine learning also, you can combine the decisions from multiple models to improve the overall performance. This technique of combining multiple machine learning models is called ensemble learning.

Why do we need to know about Ensemble Learning?

Ensemble learning i


Time Series Forecasting using Python:

‘Time’ is the most important factor which ensures success in a business. It’s difficult to keep up with the pace of time. But, technology has developed some powerful methods using which we can ‘see things’ ahead of time!

Nope, not the time machine, we are talking about the methods of prediction & forecasting. As the name ‘time series forecasting’ suggests,


Python: 2016-01-14T21:33:17+00:00


It happened a few years back. After working on SAS for more than 5 years, I decided to move out of my comfort zone. Being a data scientist, my hunt for other useful tools was ON! Fortunately, it didn’t take me long to decide – Python was my appetizer.

I always had an inclination for coding. This was the time to do what I really loved. Code. Tu


R: 2016-02-28T19:21:05+00:00


Free tutorial to learn Data Science in R for beginners

Covers predictive modeling, data manipulation, data exploration, and machine learning algorithms in R


R is a powerful language used widely for data analysis and statistical computing. It was developed in early 90s. Since then, endless efforts have been made to improve R’s user i


SQL: 2022-01-19T11:41:17+00:00

This article was published as a part of the Data Science Blogathon.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the job outlook for computer and information research scientists, data scientists is projected to grow by at least 19 per cent by 2026. Data is collected and processed in every company regardless of the domain.

Data scientists dive


Jupyter Notebooks: 2018-05-24T06:16:47+00:00

One of the most common questions people ask is which IDE/environment/tool to use while working on your data science projects. Plenty of options are available – from language-specific IDEs like R Studio, PyCharm to editors like Sublime Text or Atom – the choice can be intimidating for a beginner. If there is one tool that every data scientist should use or mu


TensorFlow: 2021-11-02T07:16:55+00:00

You’ve probably heard of TensorFlow if you’re a machine learning student. It has become an industry norm and is one of the most common tools for machine learning and deep learning experts.

TensorFlow is a free and open-source library for creating machine learning models. It is a fantastic platform for everyone interested in working with machine learning and


Estimate Bottle Orientation with Computer Vision: 2024-04-10T10:30:55.000Z

The article below was contributed by Timothy Malche, an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Applications at Manipal University Jaipur.

Keypoint detection in computer vision is a technique used to identify distinctive points or locations in an image that can be used as references for further analysis such as object recognition, pose estimation,


What is MediaPipe? A Guide for Beginners.: 2024-04-10T10:18:40.000Z

This article was contributed to the Roboflow blog by Abirami Vina .

Advances in AI over the last few years, such as those made by Google's MediaPipe , make it possible to create incredible experiences that blend the digital and physical worlds together. MediaPipe is an open-source framework developed for building machine learning pipelines. MediaPipe is esp



